RLDatix Supports Healthcare Organizations in Assessing Readiness for CMS Patient Safety Structural Measure

RLDatix Supports Healthcare Organizations in Assessing Readiness for CMS Patient Safety Structural Measure
The new measure, effective fiscal year 2025, places quality and a culture of safety at the forefront of care delivery.

CHICAGO, IL, August 29, 2024: The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) published the final rule for the Patient Safety Structural Measure (PSSM), which will require hospitals to attest to whether they have implemented a culture of safety aligning to the PSSM’s five key domains. RLDatix, the leading global provider of technology solutions enabling connected healthcare operations, is poised to help healthcare organizations assess their readiness and close gaps to achieve compliance with the new ruling and nurture a culture of safety.  

"Supporting a culture of safety is an ongoing journey, and our work through CANDOR and with BETA-HEART has enabled organizations to provide safer, more transparent care," said Dr. Tim McDonald, RLDatix Chief Patient Safety & Risk Officer, and one of the architects of the CANDOR toolkit. "In my 25+ years of patient safety advocacy, it brings me incredible joy to be working alongside RLDatix at this moment in history. We are excellently prepared to support organizations in assessing their readiness for the new ruling and address gaps through software across all five domains.”

The PSSM will measure safety outcomes as it relates to leadership commitment to eliminating preventable harm, strategic planning and organizational policy, culture of safety and learning health systems, accountability and transparency and patient and family engagement. RLDatix's connected healthcare operations platform can support organizations across all domains, with an emphasis on Domain 4, which focuses on “accountability for outcomes, as well as transparency around safety events and performance,” according to the ruling.  

“Today, RLDatix remains better positioned than any other company in the country to help organizations meet this new expectation,” said Jeff Surges, RLDatix CEO. “Our long-term relationships and credibility within health systems across the nation, coupled with our team composed of experts in the patient safety field with deep knowledge of the CMS’ new ruling, will enable us to effectively streamline the compliance process for organizations, ensuring they can achieve compliance quickly and effectively.”  

The CMS ruling reinforces the importance of RLDatix’s connected healthcare operations platform, helping organizations bring data together to prevent harm before it happens, creating a culture of continuous improvement within organizations and improving care delivery across the healthcare ecosystem. 

Read the final ruling here.

About RLDatix

RLDatix is on a mission to improve healthcare by enabling a world where patients receive the best and safest care possible. Trusted by thousands of clients around the world, our connected healthcare operations platform combines software and trusted services to empower organizations with critical data insights across risk, safety, compliance, provider lifecycle and workforce management. Our user-centric approach provides a holistic, real-time view of healthcare operations, connecting disparate information across the enterprise – thus giving organizational leadership the contextualized data they need to make better-informed decisions. Visit rldatix.com to learn more.