Inform staff of healthcare alerts and stay compliant with safety standards
Drive compliance with safety alerts while pragmatically prioritising delivery of safer care.
Manage and disseminate all types of safety alerts and identify actions that your organisations can take to reduce risks.
Monitor responses to ensure that all alerts are acted upon across all levels of the organisation.
Identify where incidents may link to an alert and proactively manage any associated risk.
How Safety Alerts can help you
Organisation-wide awareness and learning
Provide a single source of accurate information, ensuring consistent responses to safety and security issues.
Create a consistent image of safety to encourage engagement at all levels of the organisation.
Concise and clear management of workload
Track distribution and review in real-time, generating assurance that safety alerts are being acted upon.
Enterprise-wide management of internal and external incident and safety alerts, through a standardised workflow handling receipt, review distribution and feedback on all alerts.
Handle large groups of recipients, across single organisations or regional areas, with a single coordinated process of alert distribution and management.
Link to other records
Coordinate additional activities directed by healthcare safety alerts, such as integrating with risk management strategies.
Track manifestation of safety alerts through identifying when events have occurred.
Discover how you can use RLDatix to transform your organisation